Obtain PR with your Canadian work Experience

Smart option to consider for Canadian Permanent Residency if you have Canadian work experience.

Are you seeking a pathway to Canadian Permanent Residency (PR) backed by your Canadian work experience? The Canadian Experience Class (CEC) program offers an ideal solution for graduates of post-secondary institutions and temporary foreign workers who have accumulated valuable work experience in Canada.

Why Choose the Canadian Experience Class Program?

The CEC program serves as a strategic route to PR for individuals with Canadian work experience. By leveraging this program, you gain access to numerous opportunities and benefits, making your journey to PR smoother and more attainable.


Key Requirements for CEC Eligibility:

Minimum 12 Months of Full-Time Experience (or equivalent in Part-Time):

To qualify for the CEC program, applicants must demonstrate at least 12 months of cumulative full-time work experience in Canada within the last three years. Part-time experience is also considered, provided it meets the equivalent duration criteria.

Eligible Occupation Types (TEER 0, 1, 2, or 3):

Your work experience must fall under National Occupational Classification (NOC) skill levels O, A, B, or C, which encompass a wide range of professions and industries.


Recent Work Experience:

The CEC program recognizes work experience gained within the last three years, ensuring that your qualifications remain relevant and up-to-date.


Language Proficiency (CLB 7 or CLB 5):

Proficiency in English or French is essential for CEC eligibility. Applicants must achieve a minimum Canadian Language Benchmark (CLB) score of 7 for NOC skill levels 0, A, or B, and CLB 5 for NOC skill level C.

Benefits of CEC Program Participation:

Streamlined PR Pathway: The CEC program streamlines the PR application process for individuals with Canadian work experience, offering a faster route to obtaining permanent residency.

 Enhanced Employability: By securing PR through the CEC program, you gain increased employability in Canada, with access to a broader range of job opportunities and career advancement prospects.

Integration into Canadian Society: PR status obtained through the CEC program enables successful applicants to integrate seamlessly into Canadian society, enjoying the rights and privileges afforded to permanent residents.

Do you need help with CEC application ?

Hi, I’m Manpreet Kaur, a Regulated Canadian Immigration Consultant. I’m determined to assist you with your Canadian Immigration matters.

Do you know? -> Work experience gained during study permit isn’t counted  counted towards your experience when applying Canadian Experience Class